3735 Gough St., Baltimore, MD 21224
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About Us

Charm City Mixed Martial Arts Afterschool & Life Enrichment teaches systems and traditions of self-defense, which are practiced for a number of reasons: self-defense, confidence, discipline, respect, mental and spiritual development, and integrated academic accountability.

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 We are the only martial arts academy in Baltimore City that offers an after-school program and life enrichment program that promotes financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

Dear Fellow Parent,

We specialize in Jiu-Jitsu, Thai Boxing, and Self Defense. We Build your child to be more confident, strong, independent, and reliable. Your children become part of our proven character development system that is LIKE NO OTHER. The kids actually ENJOY learning discipline, respect, and cooperation as part of learning AWESOME martial arts skills.
We make sure our environment is a safe place – your children will be PROTECTED from the kind of bad influences they might get in other places that can get them into trouble now, and may even ruin their future.
Second, they will be EMPOWERED with physical skills, but more importantly with the confidence to choose right over wrong. As they grow into those dangerous teenage years, you can rest assured that you have helped them form the strength of character needed to resist peer pressure.
Third, they’ll have FUN! We take our students out into the community on martial arts adventures to local attractions like swimming pools, parks, skating rinks, and more!
Finally, they will be INSPIRED to set and achieve goals, which creates a virtual ROADMAP for a successful life.
Our parents tell us that our instructors become like “superheroes” to their children, providing them with the positive role models they truly need to learn to set goals, and live a clean, happy, healthy lifestyle.
♦ Is your child sometimes disrespectful? Our Karate Taekwondo summer camp teaches respect for all adults, but especially parents and teachers.
♦ Does your child misbehave? Our students develop SELF-discipline so they are better behaved and can focus on their schoolwork and chores at home without getting easily distracted. Even children with ADD and ADHD develop better focus.
♦ Your child a little too shy? Our martial arts summer camp builds confidence so that as your child progresses in rank, he or she will learn to speak up and actually become a leader at school or in the neighborhood.
Not only that, but the other children in our camp are also focused on being positive, enthusiastic, and successful. Your child will get POSITIVE peer pressure!


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